5 (5)
1050 Students enrolled
Rahul Sahay
Coupon Code: 8B578D2CAB2415158749
This course is 5th edition of building Creating .Net Core Microservices using Clean Architecture. In this course you will learn how to implement Identity Server 4. You will also learn how to secure your microservices using Identity Server 4. You will learn how to implement different kinds of security principles at different levels of microservices. By the end of this course you’ll be having full featured angular application consuming APIs. In this course you will first start with angular folder setup, then you will start implementing different feature modules say Home, Core, Shared, Basket etc. After this, you will be setting up basic routing first and then lazy loading of feature modules. You will also be implementing all cross cutting concerns which is required for any frontend store. After implementing all required changes, then you will be integrating Identity Server 4 implementation with your angular application. In this section, you will also enable auth guard to protect the routes and hence setting up OIDC client to interact with server side counterpart. Apart from these, you will be learning tons of features in this segment. Other parts of this series include
1. Getting Started with Microservices using Clean Architecture
2. Securing Microservices using Identity Server 4
3. Implementing Cross Cutting Concerns
4. Versioning Microservices
5. Building Angular Application for MicroServices (Current Course)
6. Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes and AKS
IDE Required:- You can either use Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider, or VS Code itself.
In this edition you will learn below topics:
Angular Installation Steps
Branching Strategy
Angular project setup
Identity Server Changes
Angular VS Code Extensions
Getting Started with Angular
Understanding Angular project structure
Installing ngx-bootstrap package
Installing Font Awesome
Adding a Navbar component
Adding Navbar Component HTML
Observable Vs Promise
Implementing Http Client
Enabling CORS
Fetching Products
Implementing Paginated Product Model
Building the Store Front
Creating Feature Modules
Creating the Store Components
Creating the Store Service
Consuming the Store Service
Modifying Store Page
Creating Product Items Page
Passing Data to Child Component
Adding Images and Product Page changes
Fetching Brands and Types
Markup Changes for Types and Brands
Implementing Brand and Type Selected Functionality
Hooking up HTML changes for filtering functionality
Applying Spread Operator
Implementing Sorting
Adding Pagination Module
Implementing Pagination Component
Implementing Pagination – 2nd Part
Adding Pagination Header
Implementing Search and Reset Filter
Creating Home and Product Detail module
Creating Routes
Creating Router Links in Navbar
Activating Router Links
Fetching Product Detail
Adding Markup to Product detail page
Implementing Lazy Loading
Error Handling
Error Interceptor
Implementing Error Interceptor
Improving Error pages
UI Components
Creating Header Component
Adding XNG BreadCrumb Module
Adding BreadCrumb Metadata
Adding BreadCrumb Alias
Setting Breadcrumb dynamically
Adding Loading Interceptor
Implementing Ngx Spinner
Implementing Home Page
Basket Implementation
Creating Basket setup
Creating Basket Types
Creating Basket Service
Creating Basket methods
Adding Items to Basket
Fetching Basket with Username
Updating Basket Icon value dynamically
Implementing Basket Page
Creating Basket total method
Creating the Order Summary Component
Creating Basket addition deletion remove functionality
Wiring up Basket HTML with cart functionality
Implementing Product detail page
Identity Server Client Implementation
Account Module Creation
Account Routing fix
Server Side Changes
Understanding Checkout Module
Understanding Account Module
Understanding Account service
Can Activate Route Guard Issue With Angular 15
UnInstallation Steps
Package.json changes
Silent Callback changes
Basket service changes
Understanding Checkout module changes
Navbar changes
401 Error Interceptor demo
Checkout giving 400 Error
What’s Next
What’s Next