5 (3)
1048 Students enrolled
Rahul Sahay
Coupon Code: A7E868C36673CA2CCC2D
This course is second edition of building Creating .Net Core Microservices using Clean Architecture. In this course you will learn how to implement Identity Server 4. You will also learn how to secure your microservices using Identity Server 4. You will learn how to implement different kinds of security principles at different levels of microservices. By the end of this course you’ll be comfortable implementing best practices security techniques in microservices architectures. In this course you will first start with Identity server 4 template setup. Then you will be setting up different test users, scopes, resources to work with. After that, you will be setting up multiple clients for testing different scenarios with and without gateway. You will also setup scope level authorization and policy to handle it at middleware level. Apart from that, you will be learning different types of grants and flows which can be utilized at the microservice level. Other parts include
1. Getting Started with Microservices using Clean Architecture
2. Securing Microservices using Identity Server 4 (Current Course)
3. Implementing Cross Cutting Concerns
4. Versioning Microservices
5. Building Angular Application for MicroServices
6. Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes and AKS
IDE Required:- You can either use Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider, or VS Code itself.
In this edition you will learn below topics:
Architecture Overview
Branching Strategy
Securing Catalog and Basket Microservice
Installing Identity Server Templates
Identity Server project creation
Adding Test User
Modifying Identity Config
Adding Bearer Token in Catalog
Open Id Flow
Securing Catalog Microservice
Implementing Authorize Filter
Machine To Machine Flow for Catalog API
Accessing catalog API using JWT Token
Securing Basket Microservice
Create Basket giving 401 Issue
Fixing Basket Issue
Securing Service to Service Communication
Creating Multiple Clients
Scope Level Authorization
Setting up Gateway Project
Scope Access Flow
Issue with Gateway Client
Fixing Gateway Issue
Issue with Create Basket
Fixing HTTPS Issue with Create Basket
Setting up Nginx Gateway
Nginx Template Creation
Docker Compose Changes
Startup changes in Identity Server
Issue with Nginx Setup
Nginx Bad Gateway Issue
Host file changes
Generate Cert
Installing Pfx
Modified Nginx Conf and Docker file
Certificate not getting trusted in Key Chain
Certificate Validated in Key Chain
More Docker Changes
More Startup Changes
Swagger Demo and Exercise
Whats Next
What’s Next