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Vitalii Shumylo
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Tests for Red Hat Linux can include a variety of command line utilities to perform various tasks and verify the functionality of the system. Some essential commands that can be used in these tests include:
The “whoami” command to verify the current user’s username.
The “passwd” command to change a user’s password and verify that the change was successful.
The “file” command to determine the type of a file and verify that it matches the expected file type.
The “head” and “tail” commands to display the beginning or end of a text file, respectively, and verify that the output is as expected.
The “wc” command to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a text file and verify that the output matches the expected counts.
Tests can also include verifying the functionality of the Linux file system hierarchy by:
checking the current working directory using “pwd” command
listing the contents of a directory using “ls” command
creating a new empty file using “touch” command
moving to different directories using “cd” command and checking the current working directory using “pwd” command
Overall, the tests should focus on verifying that the essential commands and the Linux file system hierarchy are functioning properly, and that the system is configured correctly.