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578 Students enrolled
Ditectrev Education
Coupon Code: F50C3FA8D5910F67AAE5
✨This course is unlike any ITIL 4 Foundation (IT Service Management) course you will find online.
✋Join a live online community and a course taught by industry experts and pass the ITIL 4 Foundation (IT Service Management) confidently. We aim to build an ecosystem of Information Technology (IT) certifications and online courses in cooperation with the technology industry. We believe it will give our students 100% confidence in the pacing market in an open-source environment. We are just at the beginning of our way, so it’s even better for you to join now!
⌛️Short and to the point; why should you take the course:
Always happy to answer your questions on Udemy’s Q&A’s and outside 🙂
Learn about topics, such as:
Change Control;
Change Enablement;
Continual Improvement;
Deployment Management;
Emergency Changes;
Event Management;
Incident Analysis;
Incident Management;
Incident Resolution;
IT Asset Management;
Information Security Management;
Problem Management;
Relationship Management;
Release Management;
Service Configuration Management;
Service Desk;
Service Level Management (SLM);
Service Request Management;
Supplier Management;
Much More!
Questions are similar to the actual exam, without duplications (like in other courses ;-)).
The Practice Tests Exams simulate the actual exam’s content, timing, and percentage required to pass the exam.
This course is not an ITIL 4 Foundation (IT Service Management) Exam Dump. Some people use brain dumps or exam dumps, but that’s absurd, which we don’t practice.
269 unique questions.
☝️Course Updates
v1.0.0: April 28, 2023.
Launch of the course.